LD Systems DAVE G4X T-BAR L Nastavek za 2 zvočnika
The custom-fit stand fork, in conjunction with the cluster mode of the DAVE G4X system, enables interference-free clustering of the DAVE G4X satellites.
For this purpose, there is a special preset (Cluster Mode) with a special M/S distribution to reproduce the stereo signal without interference. This way, you also get more headroom and directivity.
The DAVE G4X T-BAR L allows two identical DAVE G4X Series satellites (12/15/18) to be mounted close together on one stand. It is made of sturdy, black powder-coated steel and fits all loudspeaker poles with a diameter of 35 mm.
For larger events, the T-Bar can also be used to build a larger stereo setup by connecting two equivalent DAVE G4X systems in cluster mode through a mixing console.
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