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LD Systems DAVE 18 G4X, Kompletno ozvočenje
LD Systems DAVE 18 G4X, Kompletno ozvočenje
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LD Systems DAVE 18 G4X Kompletno ozvočenje

Compact 2.1 powered sound system

  • 2 x 8″ Satelit
  • 1 x 18″ Subwoofer
  • Integrirana 6-kanalna mešalna miza z EQ in reverbom, Bluetooth ter Optični vhod
  • Moč sistema (RMS): 2000 W
  • Frekvenčno področje: 30 – 20000 Hz
Izvirna cena je bila: €2.182,00.Trenutna cena je: €1.890,00.


LD Systems DAVE 18 G4X je odličen zvočni sistem za tiste, ki iščejo močan, vsestranski in cenovno ugoden sistem. Je kompakten in lahek za prenašanje, kar ga naredi idealnega za uporabo na različnih lokacijah.

LD Systems DAVE 18 G4X, Kompletno ozvočenje

  • Ozvočenje z 18″ nizkotoncem in dvema 8″ satelitoma
  • Skupna moč: 4000 W
  • Integrirana 6-kanalna mešalna miza z EQ in reverbom
  • Vhod za mikrofon ali Line
  • Digitalni stereo vhod SPDIF TOSLINK ter Bluetooth sprejemnik

Izredno velik domet zahvaljujoč novo razvitim valovodom za še bolj ciljano disperzijo in manj mikrofonije
DynX® DSP za reprodukcijo zvoka brez popačenj
Izbirne prednastavitve za prilagodljive nastavitve subwooferja /satelitov
Vzdržljiva  barva odporna proti praskam

Smo uradni pooblaščeni serviser v garancijskem in izven garancijskem roku. Garancija na: LD Systems, Cameo, Palmer produkte kupljene v katerikoli trgovini v Sloveniji ali drugje v EU. Tel: 02 / 776 10 51

Dodatne Informacije

LD Systems s predstavlja novo serijo DAVE G4X.
Točno 10 let po izdaji zelo uspešnega in dolgotrajnega DAVE G3,
DAVE G4X postavlja nove standarde na področju aktivnih 2.1 PA sistemov za DJ-e, skupine v živo, fixne instalacije..
Na voljo v štirih velikostih in razredih zmogljivosti – od posebej kompaktnega DAVE 10 G4X do DAVE 18 G4X, ki ima zmogljiv 18-inčh nizkotonec – serija DAVE G4X navdušuje na vseh področjih s svojim sodobnim naborom funkcij in profesionalno akustično zasnovo v različne aplikacije.

All of the DAVE G4X versions now feature an integrated 6-channel mixer with all of the important input options for a wide variety of setups consisting of microphones, instruments, line-level signals and auxiliary players – wired and wireless, thanks to integrated Bluetooth for easy streaming via a smartphone or tablet. The mixer’s first two channels are designed as channel strips, allowing for the optional connection of a microphone, a high-impedance instrument – guitar and/or bass, for example – and line level sources. Stereo line inputs 3 + 4 are suitable for keyboards, synthesizers, drum machines, or small e-drum kits. Making the DAVE G4X Series even more versatile is the digital SPDIF stereo input, and the Bluetooth connectivity. This way, the setup can be expanded with a media player, computer or smartphone to play backing tracks, sound effects, intermission music, or to use the DAVE G4X as a karaoke system.

In addition to the enhanced functionality, LD Systems has redesigned and developed the DAVE G4X Series from the ground up. This benefits not only instruments and music, but also speech intelligibility when the PA is used for speech reinforcement. The acoustic concepts include new compression drivers and waveguides for homogeneous and directional dispersion, as well as FIR filters and state-of-the-art DSP technology for transparent, colouration-free sound. In addition, the subwoofer has been equipped with a larger voice coil and an optimised bass reflex system to reduce ventilation noise to a minimum.

The DAVE G4X Series is a compact all-round PA for use on the road and wins fans wherever it goes with its robust housing design (including polyurea coating) in all configurations. Last but not least, the selectable mode presets for classic stereo use or a setup with two closely spaced satellites on a T-stand above the subwoofer contribute to this – the DAVE G4X convinces sonically in all configurations. This latter preset, for example, allows for the interference-free clustering of two satellites through a special M/S division and reproduction of the stereo signal for more headroom and directivity.

LD Systems has also thought of all common applications when it comes to accessories. The range extends from custom-fit bags to a roller board and the aforementioned T-stand. A pole mount stand and a wall mount for the satellites are also available especially for the DAVE 10 G4X sound system.


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