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Adam Hall K4TPP0090 REAN Audio kabel, 2 x Jack mono 6.3mm – 2 x Jack mono 6.3mm, 0.9m
Adam Hall K4TPP0090 REAN Audio kabel, 2 x Jack mono 6.3mm – 2 x Jack mono 6.3mm, 0.9m
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Adam Hall K4TPP0090 REAN Audio kabel, 2 x Jack mono 6.3mm – 2 x Jack mono 6.3mm, 0.9m

Adam Hall Cables 4 Star Series – Audio Cable REAN 2 x 6.3 mm Jack mono to 2 x 6.3 mm Jack mono 0.9 m

Izvirna cena je bila: €16,00.Trenutna cena je: €13,50.


Stereo cable with 6.3 mm TRS plugs on both ends. Red and black bushings respectively clearly identify the two channels. The combination of high-quality cable material and REAN © plugs results in a durable and rugged cable for live and studio applications.

Smo uradni uvoznik ter uradno pooblaščeni serviser v garancijskem in izven garancijskem roku za produkte Adam Hall, LD Systems, Cameo, Palmer, kupljene v katerikoli trgovini v Sloveniji ali drugje v EU.

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